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【特價商品】皇后合唱團-錄音室作品大全輯  ( 180 克 18LPs )<br>Queen Studio Collection Half-Speed Mastered 180g 18LP Box Set (Colored Vinyl)
商品名稱:【特價商品】皇后合唱團-錄音室作品大全輯 ( 180 克 18LPs )
Queen Studio Collection Half-Speed Mastered 180g 18LP Box Set (Colored Vinyl)

價格:NT$ 18,800 NT$ 16,980
貨號: AHOL 28832
出貨時程: 2-3 天

★ 引領 1970 年代英式華麗搖滾狂潮、魅力持續風靡燃燒至廿一世紀的絕對搖滾天團!

★ 十五張專輯、十八片限量盒裝彩膠,獨特半速後製刻片技術,帶來前所未見的絕佳音效!

英國國寶級華麗搖滾經典樂團皇后合唱團自1971年成立以來,樂風結合華麗搖滾、前衛搖滾、重金屬以及古典音樂的精髓,無論是舞台效果、主唱Freddie Mercury的歌劇式唱腔魅力等,都徹底顛覆搖滾音樂的既定形象,為搖滾史無庸置疑的重量級的團體;本套盒裝將他們十五張錄音室作品,以極度耗時費工的半速後製刻片技術(Half-Speed Mastering)重新製作,追求完美音質,極具傳世經典價值!


Queen (1973)
1. Keep Yourself Alive
2. Doin' All Right
3. Great King Rat
4. My Fairy King
5. Liar
6. The Night Comes Down
7. Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll
8. Son and Daughter
9. Jesus
10. Seven Seas of Rhye (instrumental)

Queen II (1974) - Pressed as 2LP
1. Procession
2. Father To Son
3. White Queen (As It Began)
4. Some Day One Day
5. The Loser in The End
6. Ogre Battle
7. The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke
8. Nevermore
9. The March of the Black Queen
10. Funny How Love Is
11. Seven Seas of Rhye

Sheer Heart Attack (1974)
1. Brighton Rock
2. Killer Queen
3. Tenement Funster
4. Flick Of the Wrist
5. Lily of the Valley
6. Now I'm Here
7. In the Lap of the Gods
8. Stone Cold Crazy
9. Dear Friends
10. Misfire
11. Bring Back That Leroy Brown
12. She Makes Me (Stormtrooper in Stilettos)
13. In the Lap of the Gods...Revisited

A Night At the Opera (1975)
1. Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to...)
2. Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon
3. I'm In Love With My Car
4. You're My Best Friend
5. 39
6. Sweet Lady
7. Seaside Rendezvous
8. The Prophet's Song
9. Love Of My Life
10. Good Company
11. Bohemian Rhapsody
12. God Save the Queen (instrumental)

A Day At the Races (1976)
1. Tie Your Mother Down
2. You Take My Breath Away
3. Long Away
4. The Millionaire Waltz
5. You and I
6. Somebody To Love
7. White Man
8. Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
9. Drowse
10. Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together)

News Of the World (1977)
1. We Will Rock You
2. We Are The Champions
3. Sheer Heart Attack
4. All Dead, All Dead
5. Spread Your Wings
6. Fight From the Inside
7. Get Down, Make Love
8. Sleeping On the Sidewalk
9. Who Needs You
10. It's Late
11. My Melancholy Blues

Jazz (1978)
1. Mustapha
2. Fat Bottomed Girls
3. Jealousy
4. Bicycle Race
5. If You Can't Beat Them
6. Let Me Entertain You
7. Dead On Time
8. In Only Seven Days
9. Dreamer's Ball
10. Fun It
11. Leaving Home Ain't Easy
12. Don't Stop Me Now
13. More of That Jazz

The Game (1980)
1. Play the Game
2. Dragon Attack
3. Another One Bites the Dust
4. Need Your Loving Tonight
5. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
6. Rock It (Prime Jive)
7. Don't Try Suicide
8. Sail Away Sweet Sister
9. Coming Soon
10. Save Me

Flash Gordon Soundtrack (1980)
1. Flash's Theme
2. In the Space Capsule (The Love Theme)
3. Ming's Theme (In the Court of Ming the Merciless)
4. The Ring (Hypnotic Seduction of Dale)
5. Football Fight
6. In the Death Cell (Love Theme Reprise)
7. Execution of Flash
8. The Kiss (Aura Resurrects Flash)
9. Arboria (Planet of the Tree Men)
10. Escape From the Swamp
11. Flash to the Rescue
12. Vultan's Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men)
13. Battle Theme
14. The Wedding March
15. Marriage of Dale and Ming (and Flash Approaching)
16. Crash Dive on Mingo City
17. Flash's Theme Reprise (Victory Celebrations)
18. The Hero

Hot Space (1982)
1. Staying Power
2. Dancer
3. Back Chat
4. Body Language
5. Action This Day
6. Put Out the Fire
7. Life Is Real (Song for Lennon)
8. Calling All Girls
9. Las Palabras de Amor (The Words of Love)
10. Cool Cat
11. Under Pressure (with David Bowie)

The Works (1984)
1. Radio Ga Ga
2. Tear It up
3. It's A Hard Life
4. Man On the Prowl
5. Machines (Or Back to Humans)
6. I Want To Break Free
7. Keep Passing the Open Windows
8. Hammer to Fall
9. Is This the World We Created...?

A Kind of Magic (1986)
1. One Vision
2. A Kind of Magic
3. One Year of Love
4. Pain Is So Close to Pleasure
5. Friends Will Be Friends
6. Who Wants To Live Forever
7. Gimme the Prize (Kurgan's Theme)
8. Don't Lose Your Head
9. Princes of The Universe

The Miracle (1989)
1. Party
2. Khashoggi's Ship
3. The Miracle
4. I Want It All
5. The Invisible Man
6. Breakthru
7. Rain Must Fall
8. Scandal
9. My Baby Does Me
10. Was It All Worth It

Innuendo (1991) - Pressed as 2LP
1. Innuendo
2. I'm Going Slightly Mad
3. Headlong
4. I Can't Live With You
5. Ride the Wild Wind
6. All God's People
7. These Are the Days of Our Lives
8. Delilah
9. Don't Try So Hard
10. The Hitman
11. Bijou
12. The Show Must Go On

Made In Heaven (1995) - Pressed as 2LP
1. It's A Beautiful Day
2. Made In Heaven
3. Let Me Live
4. Mother Love
5. My Life Has Been Saved
6. I Was Born To Love You
7. Heaven For Everyone
8. Too Much Love Will Kill You
9. You Don't Fool Me
10. A Winter's Tale
11. It's A Beautiful Day (reprise)
12. Yeah  

產品上架時間 2016 一月 15 週五.

客戶群組 : Guest
含稅價格 : 所有價格含稅

【特價商品】深夜孤鳥:伊娃.凱西迪 Blues Alley 現場演唱完整版( 套裝 4LPs )
Eva Cassidy - Nightbird 180g Vinyl 4LP Box Set
NT$ 2,800 NT$ 2,380

版權所有 2004 Joy Audio 發燒片專門店
台北市中華路 2 段 75 巷 6 號 ( 近中華路、和平西路口 ) 電話:( 02 ) 2311-9566 / 0932-217-017
No. 6, Lane 75, Sec. 2, Zhonghua Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel : 886-2-2311-9566
營業時間: 星期二~星期六早上 9:30 到晚上 7 點   週日、週一公休
