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清新之音 <br> Bonnie Koloc - Visual Voice
Bonnie Koloc - Visual Voice

價格:NT$ 600
貨號: naimcd052
出貨時程: 2-3 天

專輯就如標題所示,是近年來少見的「清新」專輯。Bonnie Koloc 的聲音溫暖乾淨,讓人聆聽時毫無壓力的嗓音吸引無數人觀賞她的演出,是喜歡英國女聲的越有值得收藏的專輯。

Track Listing
1. The Kitten 0:47
2. Thinking About you 3:57
3. Two Black Guitars 4:17
4. The Lamb 1:14
5. Keep it to Yourself 3:00
6. Sophisticated Lady 4:11
7. The Barn cat 2:39
8. Howlin' at the Moon 3:41
9. Ballad for a Quiet man 2:50
10. Satin Woman 3:55
11. Elise 3:24
12. Slow Dancing to the Blues 3:10
13. I've got to Believe 5:27
14. Night and day 3:26
Total Time: 46:06
Bonnie Koloc - lead vocals and guitar(track 3, 10)
Don Stille - piano (track 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13)
Howard Levy - piano (track 11) mandolin (track 3, 10)
Steve Eisen - saxophone (track 5, 8, 9, 13, 14)
John Bany - bass (track 5, 8, 13)
Phil Gratteau - drums (track 5, 8, 13)
Elliott Delman (track 3, 10) - guitar

Recorded at Lake Forest College, Lily Reid Memorial Chapel, 21 - 22 March 2000 by Ken Christianson, Pro Musica, Chicago.

The enduring and versatile voice of Bonnie Koloc has been heard in Chicago since 1968. For a decade, Bonnie was the hottest act in town; drawing crowds at her regular venue that queued in lines around the block waiting to see her perform. With the brand new release of Visual Voice on The Naim Label, Bonnie proves that she still has all of this popular talent that attracted so many fans.

Visual Voice consists of all Bonnie’s own work except one track. The album also features lyrics from “The Bestiary”, Bonnie’s award winning series. “The Bestiary” is a body of artwork which also features accompanying linocuts that have been reproduced in the booklet. Recorded by Ken Christianson in the glorious acoustics of Lake Forest College and featuring the a whole host of talented musicians including Don Stille and Howard Levy, Visual Voice is an endearing mixture of folk, jazz and blues - a perfect showcase for Bonnie’s range of enduring talent.

【線上試聽】李婭莎 ─ Live 台北 / 騷故事 ( 進口版 CD )

★ 音響論壇劉漢盛先生『總編私房 CD』推薦!

★ 來自上海、跨越語言與地域框架的金曲獎台語歌后,帶來最令人感同身受的台北都會戀曲!

★ 兩岸音樂人聯手精心打造,精緻典雅、扣人心弦的浪漫篇章!

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1 x '【線上試聽】李婭莎 ─ Live 台北 / 騷故事  ( 進口版 CD )'
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1 x '吉米‧羅申 / 五呎之魂<br>Jimmy Rushing - Five Feet of Soul'
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★ 當今日本歌壇爵士一姐綾戶智繪御用錄音師廣兼輝彥擔綱錄音!

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產品上架時間 2006 七月 31 週一.

客戶群組 : Guest
含稅價格 : 所有價格含稅

【絕版名片】米夏-不期而遇 (XRCD)
NT$ 1,080 NT$ 880

版權所有 2004 Joy Audio 發燒片專門店
台北市中華路 2 段 75 巷 6 號 ( 近中華路、和平西路口 ) 電話:( 02 ) 2311-9566 / 0932-217-017
No. 6, Lane 75, Sec. 2, Zhonghua Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel : 886-2-2311-9566 
營業時間: 星期二~星期六早上 9:30 到晚上 7 點   週日、週一公休

MoFi 唱片刷